Our service involves pick-up of your waste and delivery for disposal to a licensed accepting facility. We are a registered transporter with the EPA and are often recommended by the King County Waste Line.
Keep It Clean Recycling
Services we offer for our Commercial Customers:
Paints and thinners
Cleaners and disinfectants
Fluorescent lamps
Computers and monitors
Refrigerators, AC units, and microwaves
Machine coolants
Office furniture and fixtures
Construction debris
Services we offer for our Automotive Customers:
Oil, antifreeze, and filters
Cleaners and disinfectants
Gasoline and diesel fuels
Fluorescent lamps
Computer hardware, office machines
Solvent tank rental and service
Services we offer for our Dental Customers:
Amalgam scrap and traps
Amalgam/water separators
Lead foils
Fluorescent lamps
Computers and monitors
Mercury and silver traps
Plaster traps
Non DEA regulated expired medications
Read more
about proper disposal of waste.
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